2010年頃より茅ヶ崎のオカリナ愛好家の間で「湘南地区でオカリナ演奏会を」という気運が高まり、2011年4月に茅ヶ崎にて「湘南オカリナ祭り」の開催が計画されましたが、残念ながら前月に発生した東日本大震災の影響で中止を余儀なくされました。その後、湘南・湘北のオカリナや他楽器の愛好家が集い、震災後の沈滞から立ち直る意味も兼ねて、同年7月に「江ノ島サマーコンサート(音楽のつどい)」が開催されました。それが前身となり、翌2012年7月同じ江ノ 島で「湘南オカリナフェスティバル」が誕生しました。
As the number of ocarina lovers increased, amature ocarina concerts of collective-style have become in fashion, and such a concert was wanted in the Shonan area, too. Though once being cancelled due to the East-Japan earthquake disaster, the Shonan Summer Concert (the predecessor of the Shonan Ocarina Festival) was held July, 2011 in the scenic resort Enoshima, wishing the people's recovery from the disaster.
July,2012 the 1st.Shonan Ocarina Festival was held in the same Enoshima, and since then it became the annual event.
The venue was moved to Chigasaki from 2014, and now it has developped into one of the major ocarina festivals to which ocarina lovers gather from all over Japan.
The purpose of the event is to let many people know the beauty and elegance of ocarina sound, and let people who gather (regardress of performers or audiences) experience heartmoving, excitement, growing and friendship.